Out of the 127 million people living in Japan, 86% of the Japanese population identifies
themselves as atheist. Though the constitution provides freedom of
religion, Religion is rarely discussed in every day life and the majority of Japanese do not
worship regularly or claim to be religious. Most of the people turn to
religious rituals in birth, marriage and death and take part in spiritual matsuri (or festivals)
throughout the year.
Shintoism (worship of nature and ancestors) and Buddhism are the two major religions followed in
Japan. It is a shocking reality that only about 1% of Japanese
identify themselves as Christians. We, at El-Shaddai Tamil Christian Fellowship is striving hard
to reach out to the unreached and share the gospel and love of
Christ as explained in John 3:16.
Pastor. Vijayakumar alongside his wife Unisha has been deeply burdened and had a strong urge to
touch the people in
Japan for the kingdom of God. As the Bible says in Esther 4:14, For if you remain
silent at this time, relief and
deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s
family will perish. And who
knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.
Just like how Esther was given the
royal title to rescue her own people in times of trouble, they believed that God has planted
them in Japan to touch
the lives of people around.
Pastor. Vijayakumar – Coming from a non-Christian background,
accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and savior of his
life at the age of 14 and has followed Christ passionately since then. He has also committed
to be a missionary back
then. When he landed in Japan, he understood God’s perfect plan of planting him in this
nation. Since Japan has
less than 1% of Christian population, this has always been a burden in his heart which led
him to laying the
foundations of El-Shaddai Tamil Christian Fellowship in August 2022 – The first Tamil
Church in Japan. Since
then he has been leading the church preaching and shepherding the flock of the kingdom of
Sis. Unisha – Born and brought up in a Pentecostal family,
she has special calling towards kids ministry and always
had a strong desire in turning the hearts of children towards Christ. She has wide
experience in conducting Sunday
school, Vacation Bible school (VBS) and Youth Retreats. Currently she leads the kids
ministry of the church
leading and nurturing your minds.